Thursday, September 29, 2011

Web Communication: "Sign - Sign - anywhere A Sign"

Web Communication: "Sign - Sign - anywhere A Sign"

Your firm success depends on your potential to retell effectively to an curious audience. Driving thorough traffic to your site is important, but the tactics that create visitors are not the same tactics that get visitors to stay on your site.

Websites that consistently under perform and that don't meet firm expectations generally suffer because they are not designed to hold viewers concentration long sufficient to retell a clear concise marketing message.

Web-communication is a series of account for multi-sensory sign languages; signs being the words, images, Audio and videos that constitute the range of presentation vehicles that like all forms of transportation have their own grammar, context, and relevance as interpreted from personal caress by each member of your customer-audience.

When Words Lose Their Meaning

Marketing is one of those words that has lost its currency because it has been tossed about with puny respect for its meaning. To many, it's merely just other word for advertising, which of course it is not. To the more sophisticated it takes in all the disciplines of branding, positioning, identity, advertising, and more. Above all marketing implies a strategic advent to implementing these tactics.

For associates curious in using the Web to supplementary their firm objectives, Web-marketing is the execution of a transportation strategy through the creative implementation of multi-sensory signature presentations.

Semiotics: The Study of Signs

"Sign, Sign, everywhere a sign,

Blocking out the scenery breaking my mind,

Do this, don't do that, can't you read the sign."

- Five Man Electrical Band

Like the lyrics of the song, 'Signs,' by the Five Man Electrical Band' suggests, we are surrounded by signs, the interpretation of which creates our reality. The study of signs and how meaning is derived from them is called 'semiotics.'

We are bombarded by signs, not just images, but the words, voicing, gestures, posture, attire, and Movements of the messengers, as well as the music and sound effects that accompany the presentation; not to mention the chosen media itself.

Each of these elements is a language all its own. And like all forms of language if you don't learn the rules, the grammar and syntax, you can't retell coherently.

Fear of Meaning

Most firm transportation is shrouded in a haze of protective ambiguity caused by the fear of manufacture a decisive statement of who you are, and what you stand for. This kind of defensive reasoning may safe your firm from some criticism, but it also distances you from your real audience, citizen and businesses that could be responsive to what you have to offer.

Advertisements, videos, images and copy designed to not offend, will fail to retell meaning and if what you have to say is not meaningful, how can you expect your audience to respond? Bland royalty-free images, stock video clips, and talking-head presentations of statistics and specifications will guarantee all the money you spent on generating traffic will go down the drain as visitors leave faster than they arrive.

Instead of just seeing at how many hits your website is getting each week, take a look at how long they are staying on your site. If citizen are leaving within a few seconds of arriving, then they have determined you have nothing to offer them, which may or may not be true. You need your website visitors to stay long sufficient to get the essence of your marketing message and if they aren't, then maybe it's time to rethink the message and how it's being delivered.

A puny Yiddish May Help

Yiddish is a language of idiom, of colloquial metaphor, a series of expressions that by definite interpretation of the words mean little, but through the coarse caress and relevance of the listener mean more than mere words can imply.

In Yiddish there are many ways to tell somebody to 'drop dead,' not a very nice thing to say to someone, but a sentiment that is often expressed anyway.

So how then do you tell person how you feel without resorting to the crude direct approach? In Yiddish you would use one of the many expressions ready such as, "zolst vaksn vi a tzibele mitn kop in dr'erd!" which literally means "may you grow like an onion with your head in the ground," a far more colorful, poetic turn of phrase with humorous undertones that softens the intensity of the raw meaning.

Our daily language is full of idiom and metaphor and for the most part we don't even notice. If we want to outwit our competition, we instruct our staff to "take no prisoners" and if we are successful we 'blew them away;' firm often resorts to war metaphors to emphasize the enormity of the stakes complex in firm initiatives, or should I say 'campaigns.'

And it is not just written and verbal transportation that is perpetually encased in a cocoon of evocative metaphor. Optic communication, including images and video, has its own idiomatic metaphorical sign language that helps retell a message in meaningful short-hand. The producers of 30-second Tv commercials are scholar in this style of communication, how else can a perfect marketing story be told in 30 seconds?

Relevance of Character and Situation

When we create Web-video commercials we need to tell a story that the audience can retell to. This story should be a metaphor that draws upon the audience's own experiences, and if done properly it should allow the viewer to let down their natural sales defense mechanism and let the humanity of the characters and situation penetrate on a meaningful human level. This style of presentation makes the point and delivers the message in a much more productive manner than a hit-you-over-the-head, hard sell style commercial, or a meaningless exhortation of firm platitudes.

Dr. Satoshi Kanazawa, a sociology professor at the University of Canterbury in New Zealand, in the 'Psychology Today' article, 'Friends In Cerebral Places' by Kaja Perina states: "The human brain is hardwired to write back to stimuli as it did in its ancestral environment, where television and movies didn't exist. Kanazawa says that we have evolved to believe that 'all realistic images of citizen you encounter repeatedly are friends and family.'

In the environment of evolutionary adaptedness there was no one-way acquaintance, as there is today with celebrities."

The implication of Kanazawa's explore for the Web-marketer is significant. If you as marketers can create websites and webmedia presentations populated with ongoing characters to which your Web-audience can relate, then you have solved the biggest obstacle in the Web-sales process: lack of trust.

People buy things from citizen they trust, citizen they know and like, and citizen to whom they can relate. You can produce this relationship with a continuous campaign of Audio and video presentations delivered by characters representing your company's personality, delivering a message that improves your audience's lives or firm interests.

The Familiarity of Presentation Genres

An productive Web-commercial must touch your audience in some way. One method that we use to make this relationship is through the exploitation of genres.

Genres are storytelling formats with built-in conventions, rules and guidelines. These conventions contribute a communication-shorthand allowing Web-storytellers to deliver rich article in an prudent use of time and space.

Since the audience already understands what the conventions of the recognizable genre are, resources need not be wasted establishing a frame-of-reference that is built into the genre itself.

It is here that the Web-commercial producer must enlarge the view of genres beyond that which is regularly understood. Every person understands the western, detective, romance, and sitcom styles of storytelling genres, but genres exist beyond the confines of literature, movies, and television series. Genres also exist in the truncated world of television market storytelling. Take for instance the current ubiquitous series of Macintosh television commercials that have been copied numerous times by many citizen on the Web and even on television itself.

The use of genres as a method of presenting Web-commercials provides a set of expectations for the viewer or what has been referred to as 'cultural capital.' While the recognition of the customary provides a connection, its creative manipulation provides enjoyment and more importantly aids memory and enhances recall. You can see an example of this genre manipulation at the link in case,granted at the end of this article.

The bottom Line

If real estate is about, 'location, location, location' then websites are about, 'communication, communication, communication.' The skillful Web-marketer will understand this and use their website the way it was always supposed to be used, as a means of communication; but that transportation no longer has to be delivered in mere text form, but rather it can now be delivered using all the multi-sensory media tools available. The caveat, of course, is knowing how to use these tools properly

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Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Iq Vs Eq - Becoming Emotionally engaging

Iq will get you into Mensa but it won't make you a Mensch. That's right, cognitive intelligence might qualify you for Mensa International, an organization that requires a score of, at least, 132 on the Stanford-Binit intelligence scale, but it won't improve your character or add to your dignity. Mensa qualification is "rare air territory," only 2 percent of the citizen are known to have intelligence levels that would qualify them for Mensa.

A Mensch, on the other hand, is a Yiddish term describing a person to be admired. Leo Roston, author of "The Joys of Yiddish" defines mensch as "someone to admire and emulate, person of noble character. The key to being "a real mensch" is nothing less than character, rectitude, dignity, a sense of what is right, responsible, decorous."


The Good News-you can be both. The Bad News-few are! You can be both a Mensa member and a person to be admired because of your character, but not without a microscopic work.

Iq Vs Eq - Becoming Emotionally engaging

Fortunately, Emotional intelligence (Eq) is not innate as is Iq. Eq can be learned. After the age of fourteen or so, there is not much you can do about your Cognitive intelligence (Iq) but you can change you Eq. Here are four uncomplicated steps to becoming Emotionally inviting whatever can learn:

• Be mindful of yourself -pay attentiveness to your feelings and the behavior they produce. person once said that emotions are feelings that happen by themselves. Think about it, core emotions such as anger, fear, happiness or sadness are not initiated by us. They seem to be brought on by person or something face of ourselves. Know what triggers those emotions
• Learn to carry on your feelings-become aware of your feelings and learn to carry on them. Come to be aware of how you behave when you experience emotion like anger or sadness? Learn what makes you happy or afraid. Learn to carry on and/or leverage the reactions that plainly occur when you experience emotions.
• Be aware of others-learn to identify emotions in others and be able to identify with them. Be an scholar at recognizing the facial expressions that accompany emotions. Be sensitive to other's situation and try to understand their state.
• Learn to mange the emotions of others-pay single attentiveness to what arouses or dampens the emotional state of your team or group. Learn what drives the group's behavior. Understand what you can or cannot do to change the emotion of the group.

You might be reasoning that these uncomplicated steps are just a common sense arrival and you would be right. However, more of us than not have considerable room for revision in one or all of these four steps.

If you would like to Come to be more Emotionally inviting try this:

It takes 30 days to make or break a habit. So, for the next 30 days, custom being aware of your feelings and the attitudes of your group. Keep a journal of those feelings and attitudes as they occur and make notes about your thoughts on why they occur. Delineate those notes at the end of that duration and identify the triggers of your own emotions and those of your group. You and those colse to you will be good for it.

Iq Vs Eq - Becoming Emotionally engaging

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Sunday, September 18, 2011

Potato Latke Recipes For Chanukah

A latke-kugel otherwise known as a large, thick potato pancake that needs to be cut in squares or wedges is just a larger potato pancake. Mama's version of the easy-to-make Chanukah formula is a bit different.

A "kugel" is the Yiddish word for "pudding." It usually refers to a pudding made either with potatoes or with noodles. "Lake" is the Yiddish for "potato pancake," one of the traditional foods ready by Eastern Europeans Jews for Chanukah. The latke is cooked in oil and so reminds us of the oil found by the Maccabees, which burned miraculously for eight nights.


Latke Kugel Recipe:

Potato Latke Recipes For Chanukah


  • 4-6 large potatoes
  • 2-3 eggs
  • 1/4 cup matzah meal
  • 1 tablespoon wheat germ
  • 1 teaspoon salt (more or less)
  • 1 tablespoon honey
  • Oil for frying - or a combination of oil and margarine


  1. Peel and grate the potatoes, and drain the liquid through the sieve into a bowl, but preserve the potato starch at the bottom of the bowl after pouring off the liquid. Then mix the eggs, matzah meal, wheat germ, salt, and honey with the grated potatoes and potato starch. Add more matzah meal if the combination is too loose.
  2. Heat oil in a large frying pan. When the oil is hot, pour the entire potato combination into the pan and brown over medium heat. Determined lift the sides and bottom with a spatula to make sure there is adequate oil. Lower the heat, and cover the pan.
  3. After the latke-kugel has a crisp crust and is set and partially cooked, then Determined slide the latke-kugel onto a plate larger than the pan, using a spatula to help separate the crust from the pan. Place other large plate gently over the latke-kugel, and invert them so that the uncooked side of the latke kugel is now on the bottom of the second plate, with the browned crust on top. Slide the latke-kugel Determined back into the frying pan (add more oil if necessary) and raise the heat. After browning the bottom crust, cover the pan, lower the heat and cook the latke-kugel until it is cooked through thoroughly. Keep checking so that the bottom doesn't burn. About 30-45 minutes.
  4. When cooked, take off the entire latke-kugel onto a large plate and serve by cutting into wedges.
  5. If you prefer baking, pour oil and then the entire potato combination into a baking pan (round or square or rectangle). Bake in a 350 degree oven for about 1 hour or until there is a crisp crust colse to the sides and bottom of the latke-kugel.

Papa's Latkes


  • 4-5 large potatoes
  • 1 medium onion
  • 2 large eggs
  • 1/4 cup matzoh meal
  • salt and pepper
  • vegetable oil


1. Peel potatoes, wash in cold water, grate finely.

2. Grate onion on larger side of grater.

3. Beat 2 eggs and add to mixture.

4. Blend in matzoh meal, and salt and pepper to taste with other ingredients.

5. Heat 1" layer of vegetable oil in a large frying pan. Drop in 1 heaping tablespoon of combination for each latke, and when it sizzles turn over until it's crisp and golden.

6. Drain on paper towels.

7. Serve with sour cream or applesauce.

You might like to add parsley, dill, apples, raisins, cinnamon - or even cayenne pepper to your latke recipe.

Serves about 6 people, depending on their appetites.


Potato Latke Recipes For Chanukah

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Monday, September 12, 2011

Meet Hanukkah - Holiday History, The Menorah, Dreidel And customary Hanukkah Gifts

Hanukkah or the Romanized rendering, Chanukah, also known as the Festival of Lights, is an eight-day Jewish holiday commemorating the re-dedication of the Jewish Holy Temple (the second one) in Jerusalem at the time of the Maccabean Revolt of the 2nd century Bce. It is observed for eight nights, starting on the 25th day of Kislev on the Hebrew calendar; this occurs at any time from late November to late December in the Gregorian calendar.

A remarked into history:


When the Second Temple in Jerusalem was looted and the services stopped, Judaism became outlawed. In 167 Bce the evil Antiochus ordered an altar to Zeus to be built inside the Temple. He banned circumcision and ordered pigs to be sacrificed at the temple's altar. Antiochus's actions proved to be something of a miscalculation as they were disobeyed by the Jews and provoked a large-scale revolt. Mattathias, a Jewish priest, and his five sons Jochanan, Simeon, Eleazar, Jonathan, and Judah led a rebellion against Antiochus.

Meet Hanukkah - Holiday History, The Menorah, Dreidel And customary Hanukkah Gifts

Judah became known as Yehuda HaMakabi ("Judah the Hammer"). By 166 Bce Mattathias died, and Judah took his place as leader. By 165 Bce the Jewish revolt against the Seleucid monarchy was successful. The Temple was liberated and rededicated. The aged Jewish historian, Flavius Josephus narrates in his book Jewish Antiquities Xii, how the Jewish warrior, Judas Maccabbeus ordered lavish annual eight-day festivities after rededicating the Temple in Jerusalem which had been profaned by Antiochus Iv Epiphanes, the Syrian Hellenist enemy of the Jewish Country:

"Now Judas notable the festival of the recovery of the sacrifices of the temple for eight days, and omitted no sort of pleasures thereon; but he feasted them upon very rich and marvelous sacrifices; and he honored God, and deLighted them by hymns and psalms. Nay, they were so very glad at the revival of their customs, when, after a long time of intermission, they unexpectedly had regained the relaxation of their worship, that they made it a law for their posterity, that they should keep a festival, on inventory of the recovery of their temple worship, for eight days."

The Menorah:

This holiday is observed by the kindling of the Lights of a very extra candelabrum, the nine-branched Menorah or Hanukiah. One further Light is lit on each night of the holiday, progressing to eight on the final night. An extra light called a "shamash" is also lit each night for the purpose of lighting the others, and is given a inevitable location, above or below the rest, or in the center. The Hanukkah menorah, in discrepancy to the biblical seven-branched menorah used in Holy Temple services, is a nine-branched candelabrum. In the English-speaking diaspora - that means Jewish population surface the land of Israel - the Lamp is all the time known as "menorah," whereas in modern Hebrew it is exclusively known as "Chanukkiyah". The term chanukkiyah was coined at the end of the nineteenth century by the wife of Eliezer Ben Yehuda, notable for reviving the Hebrew language in making ready for the founding of the modern State of Israel.

The Dreidel:

The holiday of Hanukkah is also marked by the playing of a extra game called, "Dreidel". The dreidel is a four-sided spinning top. Each side is imprinted with a Hebrew letter. These letters are an acronym for the Hebrew words meaning "A great miracle happened there", referring of policy to the miracle of the oil that took place in the Beit Hamikdash. In Israel, the sides of the dreidel rehearse the acronym for, "A great miracle happened here" - alluding to the return of the Jews to their homeland.

Customs and Hanukkah gifts:

One of the most popular holiday customs is eating foods fried or foods baked in oil (preferably olive oil), because the miracle of the Hanukkah menorah complicated the discovery of a small flask of pure olive oil used by the Jewish High Priest. This small batch of olive oil was only supposed to last one day, and instead it lasted eight. In the Yiddish, Ashkenazi tradition, latkes are potato pancakes, fried in olive oil. They are Great with apple sauce. Similarly Sephardic Jews eat jelly-stuffed doughnuts which are fried in oil. Hanukkah, like Christmas, is also a time to give and receive gifts. The archetypal gift to give children is Hanukkah "gelt" which is Yiddish for money. Then the Kids may play dreidel and gamble with their gelt. If you prefer a gift that doesn't encourage gambling at a young age, you can all the time find candies gift wrapped in the shape of a dreidel, and for Bar Mitzvah boys a new silver Hanukia is a very common present.

Meet Hanukkah - Holiday History, The Menorah, Dreidel And customary Hanukkah Gifts

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Saturday, September 10, 2011

Iq Vs Eq - Becoming Emotionally intriguing

Iq will get you into Mensa but it won't make you a Mensch. That's right, cognitive intelligence might qualify you for Mensa International, an organization that requires a score of, at least, 132 on the Stanford-Binit intelligence scale, but it won't improve your character or add to your dignity. Mensa qualification is "rare air territory," only 2 percent of the population are known to have intelligence levels that would qualify them for Mensa.

A Mensch, on the other hand, is a Yiddish term describing a man to be admired. Leo Roston, author of "The Joys of Yiddish" defines mensch as "someone to admire and emulate, man of noble character. The key to being "a real mensch" is nothing less than character, rectitude, dignity, a sense of what is right, responsible, decorous."


The Good News-you can be both. The Bad News-few are! You can be both a Mensa member and a man to be admired because of your character, but not without a sLight work.

Iq Vs Eq - Becoming Emotionally intriguing

Fortunately, Emotional intelligence (Eq) is not innate as is Iq. Eq can be learned. After the age of fourteen or so, there is not much you can do about your Cognitive intelligence (Iq) but you can turn you Eq. Here are four easy steps to becoming Emotionally inviting anything can learn:

• Be mindful of yourself -pay attention to your feelings and the behavior they produce. man once said that emotions are feelings that happen by themselves. Think about it, core emotions such as anger, fear, happiness or sadness are not initiated by us. They seem to be brought on by man or something surface of ourselves. Know what triggers those emotions
• Learn to administrate your feelings-become aware of your feelings and learn to administrate them. Come to be aware of how you behave when you perceive emotion like anger or sadness? Learn what makes you happy or afraid. Learn to administrate and/or leverage the reactions that simply occur when you perceive emotions.
• Be aware of others-learn to recognize emotions in others and be able to recognize with them. Be an scholar at recognizing the facial expressions that accompany emotions. Be sensitive to other's situation and try to understand their state.
• Learn to mange the emotions of others-pay single attention to what arouses or dampens the emotional state of your team or group. Learn what drives the group's behavior. Understand what you can or cannot do to turn the emotion of the group.

You might be mental that these easy steps are just a base sense advent and you would be right. However, more of us than not have necessary room for improvement in one or all of these four steps.

If you would like to Come to be more Emotionally inviting try this:

It takes 30 days to make or break a habit. So, for the next 30 days, practice being aware of your feelings and the attitudes of your group. Keep a journal of those feelings and attitudes as they occur and make notes about your thoughts on why they occur. Impart those notes at the end of that duration and recognize the triggers of your own emotions and those of your group. You and those colse to you will be great for it.

Iq Vs Eq - Becoming Emotionally intriguing

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Sunday, September 4, 2011

Potato Latke Recipes For Chanukah

A latke-kugel otherwise known as a large, thick potato pancake that needs to be cut in squares or wedges is just a larger potato pancake. Mama's version of the easy-to-make Chanukah formula is a bit different.

A "kugel" is the Yiddish word for "pudding." It ordinarily refers to a pudding made whether with potatoes or with noodles. "Lake" is the Yiddish for "potato pancake," one of the former foods prepared by Eastern Europeans Jews for Chanukah. The latke is cooked in oil and so reminds us of the oil found by the Maccabees, which burned miraculously for eight nights.


Latke Kugel Recipe:

Potato Latke Recipes For Chanukah


  • 4-6 large potatoes
  • 2-3 eggs
  • 1/4 cup matzah meal
  • 1 tablespoon wheat germ
  • 1 teaspoon salt (more or less)
  • 1 tablespoon honey
  • Oil for frying - or a blend of oil and margarine


  1. Peel and grate the potatoes, and drain the liquid straight through the sieve into a bowl, but preserve the potato starch at the lowest of the bowl after pouring off the liquid. Then mix the eggs, matzah meal, wheat germ, salt, and honey with the grated potatoes and potato starch. Add more matzah meal if the blend is too loose.
  2. Heat oil in a large frying pan. When the oil is hot, pour the whole potato blend into the pan and brown over medium heat. Carefully lift the sides and lowest with a spatula to make sure there is adequate oil. Lower the heat, and cover the pan.
  3. After the latke-kugel has a crisp crust and is set and partially cooked, then Carefully slide the latke-kugel onto a plate larger than the pan, using a spatula to help isolate the crust from the pan. Place someone else large plate gently over the latke-kugel, and invert them so that the uncooked side of the latke kugel is now on the lowest of the second plate, with the browned crust on top. Slide the latke-kugel Carefully back into the frying pan (add more oil if necessary) and raise the heat. After browning the lowest crust, cover the pan, lower the heat and cook the latke-kugel until it is cooked straight through thoroughly. Keep checking so that the lowest doesn't burn. About 30-45 minutes.
  4. When cooked, take off the whole latke-kugel onto a large plate and serve by cutting into wedges.
  5. If you prefer baking, pour oil and then the whole potato blend into a baking pan (round or quadrilateral or rectangle). Bake in a 350 degree oven for about 1 hour or until there is a crisp crust around the sides and lowest of the latke-kugel.

Papa's Latkes


  • 4-5 large potatoes
  • 1 medium onion
  • 2 large eggs
  • 1/4 cup matzoh meal
  • salt and pepper
  • vegetable oil


1. Peel potatoes, wash in cold water, grate finely.

2. Grate onion on larger side of grater.

3. Beat 2 eggs and add to mixture.

4. Blend in matzoh meal, and salt and pepper to taste with other ingredients.

5. Heat 1" layer of vegetable oil in a large frying pan. Drop in 1 heaping tablespoon of blend for each latke, and when it sizzles turn over until it's crisp and golden.

6. Drain on paper towels.

7. Serve with sour cream or applesauce.

You might like to add parsley, dill, apples, raisins, cinnamon - or even cayenne pepper to your latke recipe.

Serves about 6 people, depending on their appetites.


Potato Latke Recipes For Chanukah

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Friday, September 2, 2011

Web Communication: "Sign - Sign - everywhere A Sign"

Your company success depends on your quality to quote effectively to an curious audience. Driving standard traffic to your site is important, but the tactics that originate visitors are not the same tactics that get visitors to stay on your site.

Websites that consistently under accomplish and that don't meet company expectations generally suffer because they are not designed to hold viewers attention long sufficient to quote a clear brief marketing message.


Web-communication is a series of illustrate multi-sensory sign languages; signs being the words, images, Audio and videos that constitute the range of presentation vehicles that like all forms of transportation have their own grammar, context, and relevance as interpreted from personal perceive by each member of your customer-audience.

Web Communication: "Sign - Sign - everywhere A Sign"

When Words Lose Their Meaning

Marketing is one of those words that has lost its currency because it has been tossed about with microscopic respect for its meaning. To many, it's merely just someone else word for advertising, which of procedure it is not. To the more sophisticated it takes in all the disciplines of branding, positioning, identity, advertising, and more. Above all marketing implies a strategic approach to implementing these tactics.

For clubs curious in using the Web to additional their company objectives, Web-marketing is the operation of a transportation strategy through the creative implementation of multi-sensory signature presentations.

Semiotics: The Study of Signs

"Sign, Sign, in any place a sign,

Blocking out the landscape breaking my mind,

Do this, don't do that, can't you read the sign."

- Five Man Electrical Band

Like the lyrics of the song, 'Signs,' by the Five Man Electrical Band' suggests, we are surrounded by signs, the interpretation of which creates our reality. The study of signs and how meaning is derived from them is called 'semiotics.'

We are bombarded by signs, not just images, but the words, voicing, gestures, posture, attire, and Movements of the messengers, as well as the music and sound effects that accompany the presentation; not to mention the chosen media itself.

Each of these elements is a language all its own. And like all forms of language if you don't learn the rules, the grammar and syntax, you can't quote coherently.

Fear of Meaning

Most company transportation is shrouded in a haze of protective ambiguity caused by the fear of production a decisive statement of who you are, and what you stand for. This kind of defensive thinking may protect your company from some criticism, but it also distances you from your real audience, habitancy and businesses that could be responsive to what you have to offer.

Advertisements, videos, images and copy designed to not offend, will fail to quote meaning and if what you have to say is not meaningful, how can you expect your audience to respond? Bland royalty-free images, stock video clips, and talking-head presentations of statistics and specifications will guarantee all the money you spent on generating traffic will go down the drain as visitors leave faster than they arrive.

Instead of just finding at how many hits your website is getting each week, take a look at how long they are staying on your site. If habitancy are leaving within a few seconds of arriving, then they have determined you have nothing to offer them, which may or may not be true. You need your website visitors to stay long sufficient to get the essence of your marketing message and if they aren't, then maybe it's time to rethink the message and how it's being delivered.

A microscopic Yiddish May Help

Yiddish is a language of idiom, of colloquial metaphor, a series of expressions that by literal, interpretation of the words mean little, but through the base perceive and relevance of the listener mean more than mere words can imply.

In Yiddish there are many ways to tell somebody to 'drop dead,' not a very nice thing to say to someone, but a sentiment that is often expressed anyway.

So how then do you tell person how you feel without resorting to the crude direct approach? In Yiddish you would use one of the many expressions available such as, "zolst vaksn vi a tzibele mitn kop in dr'erd!" which actually means "may you grow like an onion with your head in the ground," a far more colorful, poetic turn of phrase with humorous undertones that softens the intensity of the raw meaning.

Our daily language is full of idiom and metaphor and for the most part we don't even notice. If we want to outwit our competition, we instruct our staff to "take no prisoners" and if we are thriving we 'blew them away;' company often resorts to war metaphors to emphasize the enormity of the stakes complicated in company initiatives, or should I say 'campaigns.'

And it is not just written and verbal transportation that is perpetually encased in a cocoon of evocative metaphor. Optical communication, along with images and video, has its own idiomatic metaphorical sign language that helps quote a message in meaningful short-hand. The producers of 30-second Tv commercials are specialist in this style of communication, how else can a faultless marketing story be told in 30 seconds?

Relevance of Character and Situation

When we originate Web-video commercials we need to tell a story that the audience can quote to. This story should be a metaphor that draws upon the audience's own experiences, and if done properly it should allow the viewer to let down their natural sales defense mechanism and let the humanity of the characters and situation lanch on a meaningful human level. This style of presentation makes the point and delivers the message in a much more sufficient manner than a hit-you-over-the-head, hard sell style commercial, or a meaningless exhortation of company platitudes.

Dr. Satoshi Kanazawa, a sociology professor at the University of Canterbury in New Zealand, in the 'Psychology Today' article, 'Friends In Cerebral Places' by Kaja Perina states: "The human brain is hardwired to talk to stimuli as it did in its ancestral environment, where television and movies didn't exist. Kanazawa says that we have evolved to believe that 'all realistic images of habitancy you encounter repeatedly are friends and family.'

In the environment of evolutionary adaptedness there was no one-way acquaintance, as there is today with celebrities."

The implication of Kanazawa's explore for the Web-marketer is significant. If you as marketers can originate websites and webmedia presentations populated with ongoing characters to which your Web-audience can relate, then you have solved the biggest obstacle in the Web-sales process: lack of trust.

People buy things from habitancy they trust, habitancy they know and like, and habitancy to whom they can relate. You can create this relationship with a continuous campaign of Audio and video presentations delivered by characters representing your company's personality, delivering a message that improves your audience's lives or company interests.

The Familiarity of Presentation Genres

An sufficient Web-commercial must touch your audience in some way. One recipe that we use to make this relationship is through the exploitation of genres.

Genres are storytelling formats with built-in conventions, rules and guidelines. These conventions Supply a communication-shorthand allowing Web-storytellers to deliver rich article in an economical use of time and space.

Since the audience already understands what the conventions of the recognizable genre are, resources need not be wasted establishing a frame-of-reference that is built into the genre itself.

It is here that the Web-commercial producer must strengthen the thought of genres beyond that which is regularly understood. Everybody understands the western, detective, romance, and sitcom styles of storytelling genres, but genres exist beyond the confines of literature, movies, and television series. Genres also exist in the truncated world of television commercial storytelling. Take for instance the current ubiquitous series of Macintosh television commercials that have been copied numerous times by many habitancy on the Web and even on television itself.

The use of genres as a recipe of presenting Web-commercials provides a set of expectations for the viewer or what has been referred to as 'cultural capital.' While the recognition of the customary provides a connection, its creative manipulation provides enjoyment and more importantly aids memory and enhances recall. You can see an example of this genre manipulation at the link in case,granted at the end of this article.

The lowest Line

If real estate is about, 'location, location, location' then websites are about, 'communication, communication, communication.' The skillful Web-marketer will understand this and use their website the way it was all the time supposed to be used, as a means of communication; but that transportation no longer has to be delivered in mere text form, but rather it can now be delivered using all the multi-sensory media tools available. The caveat, of course, is knowing how to use these tools properly

Web Communication: "Sign - Sign - everywhere A Sign"

The Fast and the Furious [Blu-ray] Luvs Baby Diapers